
I thought it just meant, " a clone who is in favor of or involved in the process of making clones". A neologism made just for the show. It doesn't mean anything, really, I think.

"Only the clone-ly"

Art always has been a stand-up guy, and Sarah left that message, "You're the only one who can figure this out," for a reason. He is a detective, and he wants to find culprits and get to the bottom of things. He's loyal to his former partner, Beth, and even though he now knows what really happened to her, he's pissed

I think either Kira escaped on her own, or she escaped with Felix. Someone came, Mrs. S. fought them to buy time for Felix and Kira (who were upstairs) to escape. Mrs. S was taken, but they didn't get Kira and Felix. So, next season, Felix will connect somehow with Sarah, who is overjoyed to be with her daughter, but

I think you're right. That's what my daughter thinks, too. At first I thought Sarah was the original. And the mystery of why Sarah was able to conceive and give birth remains to be solved. She might still be the original yet. But, after tonight, I'm more likely to think it's Mrs. S.

I was kind of sad to see her go, but at the same time I was saying, "Shoot her! All she brings is a boatload of crazy to the show!" I didn't see much future for that character, and she'd pretty much reached the limit of what she could bring to the story. So, even though she was a fun character, it's probably best they

Isn't she angry at Paul because he sold her out to Leekie?

I think Mrs. S and Paul are, ultimately, on Sarah's side. Paul is basically being blackmailed by the baddies, but his heart is with Sarah and I think he'll pull through for her in the end. Mrs. S's involvement with the baddies is less clear now, but she has always stood by Sarah, Felix and Kira, and I believe she will

Yeah, what the hell is going on with Mrs. S.? Argh. A whole year to wait.

Most of them are titles of chapters in Darwin's "Origin of the Species".

I will never wear a scarf while grinding felt in the disposal ever again.

I thought this was a pretty clever plot twist, and very timely. The US Supreme Court is currently hearing a case on the topic of gene patents. As @avclub-7b35a1122309e7451c5060ae86700961:disqus pointed out, there are patented mice and other organisms. It's not beyond the realm of possibility that someone could find a

Ditto! This is easily the best show on TV right now. 

That ModCloth comment is priceless. :)

Well, it's unlikely, but it would be cool if it happened. As long as it's not some creepy old dude that gets hot young female companions, I'm pretty OK with it. If there's going to be hot female companions, then the Doctor has to be hot, too. I bet lots of other female fans agree.

Doctor. Bowtie/tuxedo. Football. 'Nuff said.

I agree with you on Smith's performance— he deserved better than he got, although, I feel he still got much, much better material than any of the other characters (especially the women). I feel like it took him a while to really get into the role, but then he just got better and became amazing. I stumbled across

YES! She would be awesome! This MUST happen. But only if she can still also do Orphan Black. I couldn't do without that show.


*Sob* *Sob**Sob**Sob* *Sob* *Sob* *Sob* *Sob*  He was getting better and better and finally had me liking 11 *almost* (but not quite) as much as 10. But, maybe we can get a female Doctor now?