
I agree with many of the criticisms of Moffat, and I loved the RTD era and Tenth Doctor, but I have come to really like Matt Smith's Doctor, even though I felt at first like I'd never like another Doctor ever again after Tennant. I feel like Tennant hit the ground running— had his portrayal of the Doctor nailed from

I totally agree. I tossed out the same idea on an earlier review. Gotta be a Leakey reference.

I love Felix's apartment, though. It would be fun to live in. It reminds me of Bo and Kenzie's place in "Lost Girl". Turns out "Orphan Black" used some of the same production design people, so I guess that explains it.

She is amazing! I totally believe each of the characters she plays. Even if the show sucked (which it doesn't) I'd watch just to see her performance.

It's Canada. Too cold to get naked. ;)

I think the stories were more compelling and the character development was better in S2, but I loved the more free-wheeling nature of S1. I guess what I mean by that is there was more crazy sex stuff, mostly. It seems like it all got toned down as the show went on. That was disappointing.

I've only seen S1 and S2 so far, but I loved them both, except for when Owen died and was resurrected because that was weird and I liked Owen. Started Children of Earth, wasn't really feeling it for the first episode, so I guess I'm putting it off till I finally catch up with Doctor Who.

I just want to say, I've been on a raging Doctor Who catching up binge (still a few seasons behind, sprinkled with as much Torchwood as I can get) and I didn't start watching Orphan Black till last night. Watched 4 episodes last night, 3 tonight, can't wait for the next one.

Guilty confession: the yoga pants. Even though Cosima's more my type.

My goodness. All we know is that Cosima likes women (sometimes? only? we don't know). We don't know that the other clones *never* like women, that they *only* like men, or that Cosima *never* likes men.

Also, the womb environment plays a part in genetic expression. I'm going to assume that these clone babies were gestated normally, because the technology to do otherwise is, at this point, so, so, so far off in the future it would kind of ruin the show for me.

I think they will explain it because that's what Cosima said she studies and also, there are differences between the clones, and "environment" has been invoked to explain them, so, hopefully, we'll get to see something about epigenetics. I do hope they understand that there are quite a lot of nerdy viewers out there

I'm thinking maybe Sarah is the original, since she is the only one who has been able to have a baby. Or, maybe, she's not the original, but she's the experiment that "worked"?

Actually, the trait for a tail is not totally absent in the human genome. It just exists at a very low frequency. From time to time, people are born with tails, though they are usually not fully functional, i.e. you can't move them around like he did. But, the point is, that trait has been much reduced in humans, but

I love Felix, but I do hope that next season he gets more of his own story arc. I thought we were so over the "gay man as a straight woman's best accessory" trope. 

Yes, please! Why didn't I ever meet someone like Cosima in grad school?!

I thought this was one of the best episodes so far. I loved it.

I don't think Mrs. S is Sarah's monitor. In fact, it's pretty clear that she's part of an "underground railroad" of sorts that protects the children of political refugees, asylum seekers, etc. I think she's one of Sarah's allies.

I believe the way they actually make clones of mammals right now is to replace the genetic material of an egg with the genetic material they want to reproduce, then implant it in a female, who gestates and gives birth to it normally. So, the fertility clinic guess is quite good. I also like that Cosima seems to be

I love John Waters. Can't think of a single movie of his I don't love, but I think "A Dirty Shame" might be my favorite.