
You don't need to be rich, the rent outside of downtown is surprisingly cheap, and the cost of living isn't too bad (certainly not in comparison to Toronto, Vancouver, Edmonton, etc). But there's no work, so there's that…

Eh, I do, and she's a human garbage fire.*

The falls themselves are astounding, and there's not much around there other than directly falls-related stuff. But yeah, the town proper is an experience.

If you like capital-A Attractions, then Niagara Falls is a cinch, as is anything mentioned by, uh… @Fisty Bum:disqus. If you like wandering around looking at cool houses and stuff, Niagara-on-the-Lake for sure, and stop by some wineries if you like hooch. In Toronto, wandering around Kensington Market is lots of fun,

Yeah, avoid Niagara Falls at all costs. On the other hand, Niagara-on-the-Lake is very pretty if you like looking at old houses and beautiful scenery, and there's lots of good wineries around there too.

Yeah, but it's still a stupid belief.

Well, yeah, but it was one or two shows a day, and then they'd have, like, a show about the Assyrian army.

Hey I've just been going through your comments and you're good people. Looks like you haven't been around that long, so welcome.

OK… so would a fair account of your position here be that there is no truth about ethical matters (like whether gay marriage is right or wrong) but there is truth about physical/empirical matters (like whether humans can fly)?

"Have you ever thought that there are people that believe what You believe is appalling"

Hmmm… I'm going to pretend it's worth saying something serious to you instead of just making fun of you for a second. Only for a second, mind you. Here goes"

So… only masturbation? I don't get it.

Actually this is a odd fact about Japanese vs. Western porn, but most mainstream (i.e. not rape or tentacle or tentacle rape or whatever) Japanese porn generally includes a long oral and manual session before they get around to the p-in-v.

Eh, what's wrong with five minutes if both parties get off? I mean, sometimes you want a two-hour marathon, or whatever, but a lot of the time there's just an itch you need to scratch.*

Are you seriously suggesting that men shouldn't bother trying to learn how to get their partners off?

Why are people downvoting this guy? He's fucking fantastic.

No, but he's stated his beliefs, and they are that he should skin you alive. That's ok, right?

No, but he's stated his beliefs, and they are that he should skin you alive. That's ok, right?

Are you lonely? Do you need a hug? Some hot chocolate or something? Damn, man.

Are you lonely? Do you need a hug? Some hot chocolate or something? Damn, man.