

One of those cases where the fans are worse than the band itself. See also: Dave Matthews Band, Phish

Gomez is a British band and thus has nothing to do with this discussion

When you're a shy kid and all your friends have all the newest game systems, sometimes the best you can hope for is to watch someone else play until it was your turn. 2D games were fun to watch. Mario 64 was fucking agonizing. Free-roaming 3D games slowed the pace down to a crawl and you'd get bored and go home before

I liked this album a lot. The second one was full-on Beige, though.

Rick Rubin's lazy production for every album since BSSM has hurt them more than Kiedis's shitty lyrics. To me they were always an enjoyable band putting out the same single for a decade and a half. Would've actually liked to hear some Eno-produced stuff from them.

Wes Borland here. I'm sorry too.

Releasing weird overly-specific theme albums that seem destined to be forgotten every couple of years is one of the things I love the most about Neil. It's just something you have to accept about the artist. Kind of like how Leonard Cohen's albums pretty much all have that super-cheesy production with the female

A hundred bucks for an eighth? Oh please. I spent more than that for one hit of jenkem in a music festival portapotty. And it came with free shitty jam band music.

If it's free of that "bum-dum-diggy" strum pattern and the word "heart" in every single song, I'll be really impressed. The bar is set low for these guys.

I'm glad I had shitty taste in music when I was in an 8-year relationship. Deleting all my Better Than Ezra and Shania Twain and Jason Mraz wasn't too hard. Haven't revisited any movies from that era yet so we'll see what happens.

My first favorite band that I wasn't introduced to by my folks was the Red Hot Chili Peppers, around the time Blood Sugar Sex Magik came out. Had I not been a little kid when I first heard them, I don't know if I would give a shit about them either way. But their music was the soundtrack to my 1990s suburban slacker

I'll listen to anything that's better than Neko Case.

Don't you guys have Christian Weston Chandler?

Here on Long Island, we worship at the altar of Billy Joel and Bill O'Reilly.

Trying to enjoy something casually in the presence of its rabid fandom on Tumblr and its detractors.

Entering just so I can watch a bunch of meth heads react to Sunn O))).

Also see: the entire Staind catalog.

I live on Long Island so every restaurant, bar, store, and shitty radio station has to blast Billy Joel approximately three hundred trillion times a second. The other day my favorite radio station (WFUV, which plays absolutely no Billy Joel) was playing their weekend Irish show so I made the mistake of switching to

I'm torn on Macklemore. Yeah, it totally fucking figures that a straight white dude is being hailed as one of the most visible, socially acceptable advocates for marginalized groups. But it's hard to tell if he's actively trying to take on that role, or if he's being more or less pushed to the front by media types who