
We've only seen his ass when we don't see his face before, right?  I'm still suspicious that it's a double.

But we STILL don't have a storyline about the one character that really matters to us all: Jane Bodehouse.

My guess is that it is somehow a consequence of police and government now being able to do all the search and seizure they want.  Which means that vampire magic responds to laws… ugh.

Maybe wolves have similar nesting issues to vampires.

There was a dick or two in the background of a maenad orgy.  But never of a named character. And maybe of a guy strapped to a table that vampires ate… was that this show?

People are against vampire genocide because they don't want to leave Matt's husband a single father.

Plenty of men, not NEARLY enough dicks.

Every vampire in internment gets their own storyline.

It's odd that the evil scientist is pleased with how easily his virus spreads, considering it (seems to) kill its host before they would have a chance for sex, vaginal OR anal.  With effects that immediate, how many vampires would actually drink the tainted TruBlood before they see someone else get sick?

Only until he possesses Lafayette.

But the Dark Knight trilogy was awful, with a hero who wasn't heroic.

Does this movie also have a scene where Super-Jesus listens to all the world's prayers at once, then decide that everyone needs him even if they pretend they don't?

The Tech Talk sketch suggest that, because a product is physically assembled by the poor, it is wrong to criticize the design and programming, which are done by the rich.

The Tech Talk sketch suggest that, because a product is physically assembled by the poor, it is wrong to criticize the design and programming, which are done by the rich.

Dexter isn't the True Blood of anything, or it would actually have male nudity to match all the tits.

Dexter isn't the True Blood of anything, or it would actually have male nudity to match all the tits.

I don't think that Dexter as a parent was a bad choice by itself.  Cody and/or Aster could have been used interestingly.  The problem was introducing Harrison just to dangle the question of whether Dexter would spread his Dark Passenger to a blood-related child.  Which is obviously dumb, because infants don't have

I don't think that Dexter as a parent was a bad choice by itself.  Cody and/or Aster could have been used interestingly.  The problem was introducing Harrison just to dangle the question of whether Dexter would spread his Dark Passenger to a blood-related child.  Which is obviously dumb, because infants don't have

Not hard enough.  His accent nearly vanished will berating his guards.

Not hard enough.  His accent nearly vanished will berating his guards.