
Wade is someone's kid, too.

Having now seen dat ass, i have to agree with the low rating. Too narrow. No butt should end halfway to the hip.

Oh, that's right. And then it triggered flashbacks of Sam killing somebody. Either way, the show forgot about both dead people pretty quick so Sam wouldn't have to be guilty anymore.

Maaaybe? Tommy died, Sam shot someone… the rest is a blur.

She gets to play his most fiendish of foes: Lady Stilt-Man.

But he helped some slaves that one time!

Hoyt. Oiljack.

Don't forget that he also killed his brother. No, wait, the writers want us to forget that one. Also, Queen Maab.

Now she can return to helping out unfortunate supernaturals. She'll probably settle down with an underprivileged Werepanther, and her child can play with all the very pretty neighborhood kids.

So, probably there was pegging?

I never see these till the day after. Where does this ass rate on a scale of One to Tommy?

There i went and spelled my own name wrong. And after making sure I spelled Maenad right.

He will be saved by yetis, which of course leads to Sookie dating one.

Just for grammatical record, the plural of penis is penes.  As the plural of thesis is theses, and of axis is axes.  Penes penes penes.

Doomed, AND now free to spread it to everyone else.

But more Jane Bodehouse.  Seriously.  I was thrilled to see her at all.

No one does facial acting like Kwanten.

And poor Steve doesn't even get a jar.

Incidentally, why did Sookie never ask her fairy grandfather, King Niall, if and how he was related to the queen that tried to kill her?

Sadly, the sex/shower scene that WAS necessary was left out.  I'm looking at you, 'Sam on V Gay Sex Dream #1'.