
Remember when Rene's ghost was going to make his baby evil?  Or when fairy blood could bring vampires back to life maybe?  Or when Lafayette's demon was using telepathy against people that bugged him?

Remember when Rene's ghost was going to make his baby evil?  Or when fairy blood could bring vampires back to life maybe?  Or when Lafayette's demon was using telepathy against people that bugged him?

Is the new QB1, the one Jason dry-humped against a car, even still on the show?

Is the new QB1, the one Jason dry-humped against a car, even still on the show?

Neat.  Now it seems like Jason's visions are some sort of… uh… anti-Warlow fairy-magic defense system.

Neat.  Now it seems like Jason's visions are some sort of… uh… anti-Warlow fairy-magic defense system.

Am I the only one who doesn't like that Pam and Tara kissed?  I liked the motherh/daughter relationship so much more.  And, given the relationship that Eric and Pam had, it seems out of character that Pam would even consider being romantic with progeny.

Am I the only one who doesn't like that Pam and Tara kissed?  I liked the motherh/daughter relationship so much more.  And, given the relationship that Eric and Pam had, it seems out of character that Pam would even consider being romantic with progeny.

Jason was hit with a beam meant to banish Russell to another dimension.  Or something.  Old Fairy Dancer said something along those lines before firing.

Jason was hit with a beam meant to banish Russell to another dimension.  Or something.  Old Fairy Dancer said something along those lines before firing.

I thought she was lying on the spot to manipulate Bill.

I thought she was lying on the spot to manipulate Bill.

Since we met the Authority, have they actually shown any… um… authority?  I don't understand why they would need to bomb the Tru Blood factories.  Shouldn't they OWN them?

Since we met the Authority, have they actually shown any… um… authority?  I don't understand why they would need to bomb the Tru Blood factories.  Shouldn't they OWN them?

While Alcide doesn't top the hot-men-of-true-blood list for me, I am, on principle, opposed to having a scene where a dick is out in plain sight, and yet not showing it.  For shame, Alan Ball.

While Alcide doesn't top the hot-men-of-true-blood list for me, I am, on principle, opposed to having a scene where a dick is out in plain sight, and yet not showing it.  For shame, Alan Ball.

The wacky gay housekeeper will be replaced after the first episode, because audiences really take to Carol's sassy mother.

Patrick goes to shoot Terry, Arlene shoots Patrick.  She whines about it for the next season.

Patrick goes to shoot Terry, Arlene shoots Patrick.  She whines about it for the next season.

I sort of recall that in the books I haven't read, Jason does have a fairy uncle who looks just like him.  Lets hurry up and get to that plot.