
No way Maggie Smith attends and mingles with these peasants.

Sophia Bush though…

Why is Rebel Wilson in movies?

Best Denzel movie?

Who is this guy?

You on an island. Do you pick Lily or Flo?

What about Flo?

I always love Ricky.

Off script here…

Too easy

That's exactly who I thought it was too!

wow, she looks good

She wasn't as bad as I thought, but definitely not great. There are others in that show that are a lot better.

Nailed it.

Ok, let's hurry this up…

His daughters were looking good though

What's he saying?

oh no…

I'm glad they have looks because that was painful

Lily… Such horrible acting. Sure, the lines that are written for her may be some of the best in this bad season, but her delivery is not good at all. It's hard to watch. Even though this episode was one of the better ones this season, it was still pretty bad and unfunny. Phil and Claire's storyline was definitely the