
Boulevard being owned by Duvel Moortgat is no better than the breweries acquired by InBev. Surprised to see that make the list.

The back-and-forth between Dev and Mario was excellent. It reminded me of the father and son relationship in Life is Beautiful.

Now that's something I can get on board with!

I have always been a loyal NBC viewer, for some reason. I enjoyed this show a lot. There is absolutely nothing better on NBC right now. Stupid game shows, kids doing something, and Chicago EVERYTHING! Did NBC just discover that Chicago is a city? Anyway, the fun police killed off this show. How sad…

Pam… A poor man's Melissa McCarthy. But worse.

As much as I didn't like Leno (I'm a Letterman guy), at least The Tonight Show was respectable and made for actual adults. Fallon's version of The Tonight Show is more for twenty-somethings and Frat Bros. I used to watch Fallon and I enjoyed, but it was always the same and just became stupid. Not surprised he is

This episode might have been the worst yet. The show is so bad now.

I'm done… Goodnight.


This kid has no idea what's happening

Thank you so much for your avatar picture…

So this is happening… Bring back the tourists!

She forgot she even had them.

Ok, time to be honest… I'm kind of on board with this bit…

This is still going? Check a clock or something?

Straight outta Hicksville


I look forward to the Globes and Oscars for this reason only.

Seriously, where are the tourists? I'm getting worried now.

Ok, let's get to the tourists…