
I love this show, I don't want to see it go.

Even though the first film was made 20 years ago, it still has better visuals than this overly produced rubbish. Will I still watching it? If I get over the Mae Whitman snub.

Overall the season has been pretty good. I like Clara, but I just never really accepted her as being a great companion. Not sure why. I don't like the relationship between her and 12, it's not very believable that there would be these deep feelings for each other. Now, Amy Pond and 11, as well as Rose and 10, those

"Tell him Pimp-Juice sent you."

I was thinking the same thing. I thought it was a little like Louie at the beginning with the problem in bed and going to the drug store. Then when I watched him walk around the city with the two kids? Louie, exactly. I feel like Louie is more aloof and unsure of himself, whereas Dev is young and more confident. I

I loved the quick, "Yvan eht nioj" flash on the screen at the concert.

I'm ok with him hosting all award shows, forever. He jokes about the industy and jokes about how serious everybody takes it. He doesn't care, which makes it hilarious… And awkward.

Perfect analysis!

I agree, It was really bad. Also a little predictable…

It's so bad and getting worse, I almost couldn't finish this episode. Nothing really happened, excpet the usual misunderstandings and tired jokes. Gloria needs to turn it down a little — figuratively and literally as she is so loud — I'm over her little shtick. And don't get me started on Lily's acting…

Wasn't good at all. I felt like the Clinton sketch was just a political ad promoting her, Weekend Update was not good (actually hasn't been good since Jost has taken over), and Leslie Jones doesn't have any range. She seems to play the same character in every sketch.

Tired jokes…

I guess I'm the only one that thinks this show is getting worse. Lily can't act, the jokes are too predictable, and every episode has a similar plot; with the Haley and Andy hesitation/misunderstandings, Gloria yelling and still not being able to grasp the English language, and some sort of rift between Cam and