
It seems that throughout history, performance art has been an almost mystical balance between inarguable artistry and the art of the con artist.

I'm still waiting for Tupac hologram to show up and advise me.

Yes, and there have been and will continue to be many slimy and corrupt things going on behind the scenes, many of which will never see the light of day.
These are the repulsive and horrific controlling energies and leverage that create the currents that flow through the swamp.
Bring a bang stick…

The Greater Casino theory. (Wall Street)

Two Americas: those who laugh at FG, and those who deserve to keep having air to breathe.

Sometimes I think the federal law is there to marginalize citizens who want to challenge the dominant paradigm.
You know, so things will stay the same.

Carl Brutananadilewski for president!
Hell of a write-in vote.

Now with no added sugar!

The Art of the Deal.

Also it would make a great chant for a Lingerie Bowl game.

HBO seems to get along OK without commercials, but the fee is a lot steeper each month.
Still, it's always smelled fishy to me that cable companies charge so much for so many channels and turn around and grab the revenues from all that advertising.

The Real Housewives of SimCity…

Thank you for sharing.

Don't forget the drugs!

Another topical and annoying Kimmel sketch…

Oh, yeah!

Just think how much more you'll hate him if he becomes POTUS and starts doing, you know, Trump stuff!


Mr. Glover was so fabulous in The Martian.
I want that young man to grab me!
I think you know where…

Chris Christie could do the Taco Bell commercials.