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The fault lies within the ad.
The ad is what Bubba was trying to "tear apart".
Whether the fault lies within the human is, as was said elsewhere, apples to oranges.
It takes some objectivity to paddle those waters.
If I start to evaluate Clinton, it's as a politician first, and a woman farther down the line.

"She does't SEEM sincere".
As a female, I'm used to reading females.
She doesn't come across as being sincere.
Maybe she's the modern embodiment of Mother Theresa.
The appearance is not that to me from the ad shown.

When a populace is almost evenly divided and the choice appears to have come down to "the lesser of two evils"…
When emotions win out over objectivity…
When critical thinking skills have been systematically degraded over many decades…
There is no way to win and among the populace there are no winners.

Let's talk about being tired and cranky!

Regardless, don't call me Shirley.

If we have a time machine, I'm going back to Tool Time Pam Anderson.
What a cutie!

I think Nostradamus predicted the "fat, orange pervert" part. Not sure the dates line up exactly.

I'd give it at least another couple of hours.

Colonel erection - finger licking' good!

I went to an Amy Schemer concert and a Full Frontal episode broke out.

I didn't know there was going to be a train wreck.
I'll probably watch.

Also, it would be great if they could work a time machine into the premise, somehow.

Thanks, Trump.

I still laugh out loud every time my friend works "No Penis Intended" into a conversation.

Yes, when people refer to me that way they often add "with a capital C".

Maybe they initially promised him that the main character would be a Southie, then reneged once the ink was dry.

No one in the history of literature has done more for literature than Trump.

Those commercials where he's selling lemonade are a riot.