
Because words failed her.

Also the mocumentary "Pardon My Turkey".

That is some serious "tough love".

sa·cred cow
an idea, custom, or institution held, especially unreasonably, to be above criticism (with reference to the Hindus' respect for the cow as a sacred animal).

Religion can bring a very destructive motivation.

She seems almost like a red-uniformed member of a Star Trek landing party…

If they find her… ever…

Tandy seemed genuinely frightened off by Melissa.
I'd listen to that inner voice, for sure!

Sometimes Gail's character seems almost comically hamstrung by the inability of the network to broadcast profanity. Her choice of alternatives gives her a sweet, world-weary quality.

I guess Richard Spencer wasn't available.

Careful, the booby prize is President Pence.

Also safety nets…

…it's going to be a bumpy night.

Don't forget Obama at the White House Correspondents' dinners…

Plus, do you tattoo it so that it's correct when people look at you, or correct when you look in the mirror?

I see what you did, there.

Neither ignorance nor blindness is bliss.

This might fall under the "No matter how thin you make a pancake, it's always gonna have two sides" Dr. Phil maxim…

I wear my big, kick-ass shoes.

I'd speculate that amount of bowels in Hell is infinite.
I'll let you know in a couple of decades.