

It represented the decadence of doubling the styrofoam packaging coefficient in a futile attempt to keep the hot side hot and the cold side cold.
There's a film-making metaphor in there, somewhere.

This Island Earf.

Maybe we're just moving into a world where the Decepticons are the good guys and it's going to take some time for all the earthlings to adjust.

Matthew Hollis: Last night never happened.
Jennifer Lyons: I know. I was there when it didn't.

The nice thing about the arid location is that you won't find ewoks there.
I'm never completely comfortable around them.

I have days like that.

Also funny: getting hit in the balls.

"Circle one: Do you plan to always tell the truth during the production of this show? (YES - NO)"

F+, or bust!

He died from Chrysler AIDS.

That is one fun fact.

Until they give him an invisible submarine.

Flashdance was set there.
It's a nice place that offers a good balance between blue collar culture and the performing arts.

It was everything I hoped it might be….

Thanks, Obama.

Happy Independence Day weekend fromTampax.
It's hard to think of a better way to appreciate what freedom remains on Planet Earth.

One of my favorite works on The Holocaust is "Man's Search for Meaning", By Viktor E. Frankl.
Frankl was a psychiatrist who was imprisoned in this horror and was able to study it from the inside and write one of the most important analyses of the human condition that I have had the good fortune to study.

Well…. CBS is finally starting to burn off Angel from Hell episodes tonight - so I got that going for me.

Already a thing…
(Comic by Drew Litton)