
This would never happen in Trump's America.

No joke. I heard that 30 people were injured in a walk across hot coals at a Tony Robbins shindig in Dallas, TX this week.
(From the FW Telegram:)

It's all about the BPM.

Fun fact: the Earth word "brat" is derived from "Xbratl".

Simple. Build a wall between us and the Thetans and make them pay for it.

Someday far into the future, Ancient Millenials will be seen as the scapegoats.

Twitter is the Dairy Queen of social media. Brain freeze!!!

"Millennials in Uber Cars Getting Coffee".

It was Blisstastic

FB is the White Castle of social media.

Some day all shows will have "Real" in the title.

Time is so cyclical.

I think that one was Millennium. Can I go back to my phone, now?

Walmart, WALL-E. Same spaceship.

Fun fact: in Filipino, "titi" means "dick, prick, tool, pecker, or penis".

And Ellen could report on the origin of the Zombie Apocalypse, keeping' it light and breezy.

"My latest lesbian experience"….

Get her married off to the nerdiest character in the franchise Universe.

If you still live in either place, consider moving.
I come by the opinion honestly, having paid my dues to both locales.

They're probably just trying to cash in on the toy market.