
She is a very good looking man.

Roy: Hello, IT. Have you tried turning it off and on again?

The ultimate dysfunctional family holiday flick.

300 clams.

I see "Joliet" Jake saying "Hey, hey, hey"….
Very disturbing.

He's a turd.

Currently, Seth Meyers may be my favorite late night personality.

Thanks, Obama.

Thanks, Obama.

"Probably the sexiest woman I know is my mother."
Shia LaBeouf

"I am trying to impress myself. I have yet to do it."
Shia LaBeouf

"I'm not a strikingly handsome guy, but I'm in movies."
Shia LaBeouf

I praise Reagan every time I have to piss into a cup to pass a job interview.

I think they sign something when they get into the studio stating that they will promise to appear jazzed to the ceiling whenever anything happens to anyone at any time. If the host had a seizure, they'd probably cheer uncontrollably from contractual obligation.

I used to get to watch TPIR when I stayed home sick from school. It still brings happy memories - not of being sick, but of not having to go to that indoctrination center.

Side burn: Santa.

You mean back in the day when this actually happened and NETFUX streamed movies you would actually pay to see.

Just sayin'…

Thanks, Obama.

For me the set up was good. Mike's been isolated for 3 years and has just had an aggressively PTSD-inducing return to Earth and tribe. He's had no chance to readjust to being around other humans, and was dumped back into his relationship with Tandy "abruptly".
In another cartoon-like leap, Mike magically encounters the