
Yeah, at least MMFR made no pretense of having a story line…

Introduce your kids to mind-bending concepts like "the lesser of two evils" as early in their lives as possible.

The key word is "intelligently". For me, this also implies "meaningfully". For Belgium (and many others), it's just a protest vote that doesn't have any power to halt the actual candidates from taking office. That's in many regards just a wasted vote.

Our argument is not with him, it is with his social media.

Sequel to "The Little Whopper That Could".

She's holding an actual salad, and not metaphorically.

Sometimes I have such a preconception walking into a movie - in part because of the expectations set up by the trailers I've been seeing for weeks leading up to the premiere - that I manage to miss the good part(s). And so much depends on my mood, which really fluctuates. Not sure this is one of those, but would give

Two words: Crystal the Monkey.

Trump's not only in the WWE HoF - to this date the "Battle of the Billionaires" has the highest ratings the highest PPV, The biggest, the best, the hugest.

Classic John Sayles.

Catalina Five-O Tiger Shark, Nurse Nancy, and Turn Up the Heat.

I never get tired of not listening to him.

I calculate a 61.39% probability that the cliffhanger will involve more than one Miller….


RIP Phil Hartman, crazy frikkin' wife….

"innumerable" may in fact turn out to be numerable.

The whole PC experience was much too contemporary in some ways - seemed a lot like broadband. But I gave it a pass in the end, since the ricketiness of the whole early online experience wasn't involved in the jokes.

Friends was "must see TV".

I enjoyed Fastlane, despite the tremendous fantasy aspect (over all "McG-ness) of it. Facinelli and Bellamy were a little hard to key in on, almost to distraction, but Theissen was fab and Duke was great. This series made me notice Jay Mohr for the first time, although I'd probably seen him in something previously.

And duke it out on regular Family Feud, not "Celebrity Family Feud".