
The Lolita franchise is ripe for a sequel.

Th*m*s is truly a c^nt.

Santa Claus Conquers the Martians is one of the few films on this list I've actually seen. As far as The Ridiculous 6 goes, what would it be like if Netfux actually presented quality content?

People used to say that.

Bring out yer dead…

Hell, yeah.

Now I can't get Kate McKinnon out of my head. Not a bad place for my head to be….

I agree Britta's character was intentionally created to be irritating, but Chevy Chase's character went way beyond her. The show was made better during any episode simply by omitting his character. This seemed to be somewhat intentional - I believe there was bad blood in both directions in real life, and that makes it

Not as much as "truly, truly truly outrageous."

Me likee.

Meanwhile, let's all continue to give the guy some more airtime.

Generally, yes.

…upon which one may rely…
Just sayin'.

I think I want "I'll be offline for a while" on my tombstone….

Yeah and oddly I didn't really care what K. West had to say. Must be my mood…

Sing it, brother.


Well, Dr. Phil said, "No matter how thin you make a pancake, it still has two sides", so I'm gonna go with "pancake".

I agree. The two movies pair nicely, even though they have very different narratives.

If I were Carrie Fisher, I'd be express outrage that there's something strange about being invested in fat chicks.