
Unless you had your heart set on waking up in Hell.

They killed Sam Elliott in that one, and that ain't right.

It's classic Keanu, tho - every sketch show's impression of him seems rooted to his persona in that movie.

We should all chip in and buy NBC a test screening audience for Christmas.

Mad weird. I wish he were less obsessed with violence and at least a little interested in sex….

We're gonna need a bigger movie.

I enjoyed Kill Me Three Times, which I realize puts me in a super-minority. I love Western Australia, seeing it makes me so home sick, and it was a pretty backdrop to this breezy tongue-in-cheek double cross. For me, not polished but well-scripted, and not really in the year's worst list. But I remember back to 2001

New and improved! Contains 20% less Diesel!

Send us more Millers!!!

He's also very famous, which could help.

I would post this, but I'm afraid Segall would find me and hurt me….

I can't wait to see Captain America kick B.U.T.T. on ISIS.

Yes, he came back to life after dying for Bubba's sins, which are extensive.

"My chill is huge."


I think it was maybe a .22 rifle, but I also remembered it as a shotgun, Must have been a suggestion implanted by the scene in LMOE….

Yah, this could really shake it up!

"Robin Williams' will" is also "Robin Williams' won't"

Babies are typically naturally gluten-free and non-gmo. So they have that going for them.

I like to think that fetuses also exist solely for our amusement.
Not really curious about what they taste like, though….