
…but will primarily be focused on "the strength of the entire Zune ecosystem across Microsoft platforms"

I was just noticing…

Sheen Haiku
it went down. Like you,
on some $4 trollop.
Sizzle, losing, bye.

nothing say "i'm sorry"
Like the way you pay money but never say "I'm sorry".

Muhammad Hosni Sayyid Mubarak and Carlos Irwin Estevez

@crunchy -
Maybe his latest fling with Tammy unhinged him completely and he's headed off along a dangerous vector for the time being?

That's a mask?

Yo, bartender, Jobu needs a refill.

Some really good lines this week, for sure.
These moments are usually the "cherry on top of the whipped cream" for me.

When Peter said, "I've seen what the two of us look like, and it's beautiful," I thought that was going to backfire. I though Olivia was going to come back with "You mean, you've seen what you and her look like".
Olivia getting pregnant would be in keeping with the idea of (selective) symmetry between the earths.

Natalie Ludgate = 1.5 cunts.

Just show me on the panda where he touched you…

My attitude is, don't eat nothing, won't be nothing.

A few years into the show, I figured out that Hannah Montana and Miley Stewart were the same person. Insidiously clever!

My memory from reading the comics many decades ago is that one of the things that set Spider Man apart from other comics was that it was an exploration of teen angst.

When all else fails please the viewers….
It would have been a lot more fun watching Guerrero blow up the Eldo if Ames had been in it.

If Dick Jones married Dave Bing, he'd be Dick Bing.

Norm's a piss.

If the show is canceled, what will happen to the baby cannons?
