
Errol Flynn frequently applied a dab of cocaine to the end of his penis. It helped, he once explained, "if you're quick on the trigger."

Most famously Lorne Greene, in 1964, cornered the market on "Ringo" the song title.

I concede that he is the undisputed king of overusing the hi-hat.

Casting calls…

Sorry guys…

Your Tax Dollars at work

She's 15?

At first viewing I found QofS appalling - so frantic, way too much action-in-your-face, numbing. But over time it has come to be one of my favorites in the series. And I really like that QofS is a true sequel to Casino Royale, with a continuing story line and characters.
The action scenes are near perfect to me, now,

I love the egg crate full 'o eye shadow.
And I've always felt the same way about glue - if kids sniff it, it must be safe!


Maybe Dave means "Nude on the Moon".
Or some other planetoid that looks like the Mooo.

More Jersey Shore coverage!

Call AT&T customer service.
They're waiting to help you!

"I want amazing people to live in their unique ability."
We share a dream.

What's dancing in my head?
I'm dreaming of a white Kwanzaa.

It's true now and it was true then…
No penis intended.

That's a nice start
But the whole issue still calls for a lot more investigation.

Subtitle: "playing character with personality defects."

In case you were wondering…

Don't tell me what I saw.
You're not my mother.