
What is best in life?

I don't have to feel dumb.

These guys should restricted to writing prequels or anything else where the endings are already written for them.

I used to be into chicks in diapers, but this cured me.

Since this happened
I have not been able to get the film "sweet smell of success" out of my head.

Everybody in L.A. should be in costume.

That'll happen when monkeys fly out of my rosebud.

The truth is that there's no telling which way the project will go.

The real question is "When do some Baudelaire treatments start casting?"

Birds Of Prey
I enjoyed it despite its silliness.

Just add a guy in a king constume.
When that baby started rollin' across the crematorium flames, I was hoping I wasn't watching one of those "intentionally bizarre" Burger King commercials.

Toxic assests
I think the mortgage on the mansion ended up in my portfolio…

If it had been on Jet Blue
Then a flight attendant might have gone all gangsta on his ass.

See you on
the other side…

MSNBC indefinitely suspends Keith Olbermann for donating to Democratic campaigns
Sounds to me like he was DEFINITELY suspended.
English sure is a funny language.

Actually the prequel I'd like to see takes place on Kobol and explains what led up to the 13 colonies taking off in the first place.

It's official
I'm declaring this incident "Irony Free".

Charlie Sheen, colon, It's Complicated.

Are unicorns considered farm animals?

More misplaced quotes…
"May God bless her and all who sail in her," the Queen said.