
That twist just upped the ante for Jim and George - now, it's personal.

"the defendant doesn't think the law applies to him" is also an excellent movie title.

I remember Gabrielle Drake as Lt. Gay Ellis - I still get excited when I look at the moon.

I saw this coming
And didn't even bother with the pilot.
Fox can really suck, sometimes.

Because she comes across as being a genuinely sane and nice person.
Hard qualities to find in a heterosexual woman.

I get it!

I am also hoping
to be able to pretend his monologue is funny.

As it turns out, no.


The tragic part is how much more they have to pay her as an actual actor if they decide to use the footage of her head getting ripped open in the end movie.
And if she shouted something instead of just screaming, then I think that qualifies as a line of dialog and they have to give her a screen credit, such as " and

I thought his old tonight show was pretty bland
Until I saw his new show.

How about a "Reality Shows Emmies"?

It's an honor just to be nominated.

Context Depends
When they kept referencing "The 62nd Emmies" on the red carpet and during the show, I thought they were referring to it as the "60-second Emmies".
I couldn't quite figure this out. It seemed like the acceptance speeches were limited to about a minute, but ultimately the light did come on….
It was, in

The challenge with all of this
People would write more songs about all of this if it were easier to rhyme:

Is the US in decline?
I'm glad we don't have to make anything in the US, anymore.
Not even crap TV.

No doubt about it.
Lewis Black is a national treasure.

Those special days of the month
I really do hate those days when everything happens for a reason.

I heard that Rob Lowe might buy Miramax today.

Two and a Half Men - TOASTED!