
I think Modern Family already did this arc with the iPad.

Mazel Tav
They could have it Christmas Eve.
That'd show 'em who owns HollyRock.

@juanito - Great site! I've seen a disturbing number of these films…

I thought McGruder was an SNL property?

I can't think of a person I'd rather be more dead like.

Never say never - eventually it might become the subject film of a show such as MST3K…

Can't they just combine this with another Fox show and title it "Are your smarter than an American Idol Contestant"?

Conan and Smigel
I will never understand why O'Brien never brought forward the Clutch Cargo interviews onto the Tonight Show.
These and the Triumph bits were my favorites and usually the only truly great part of his show.

They should make an awful reality show out of the BP oil spill.

I've heard the firing squad is making a comeback…

CGI Flying Monkees?

Please stop.
No more of this person, J-Bowow, et al.

the brain bug
The deepest part of this satire for me was at the end.
They went through an epic amount of hassle to find and capture the "brain bug".
In the scene where the brain bug is captured, as I recall, the bugs show that they can either kill their captives (Carmen and her boy toy) or spare them depending on what

Once a woman experiences orgasm with a man she's bonded to him forever and will endure all sorts of dodgy treatment from him just to avoid the pain of separation.

Goin' gangsta
J-Anis is so edgy.

More signs of the apocalypse.

I pity the idiot.

Thx - I went back and watched "Dream on" and the next episode, too.
I get the Rachel/Shelby arc, now. (it's great that Leah Michele can cry on cue!)


This is like the pointless debate of "Who was stupider - George W. Bush, or Dan Quayle?"