
Great Idea
Now someone needs to write toothbrushing software for my Wii console.

Thank you. I was afraid the worst part of this was something much more horrid.

I hope Mike and Molly will have lots of built-in fast food commercials, (like Subway shows up in "Chuck").

Nutty professors 3
All for one and one for all.

We need a lot more TV that's "bad on purpose".

I hope they show a shot of gyrating hula hips during the theme song.

A jury of his peers.
Can't he just go confess his sins to a Catholic priest and be done with it?

Crowe seems arrogant sometimes…
…for a young man who's been nominated for only three best actor Oscars.

RIP BoT - one of my favorite shows of all time.

Maybe those observer guys are aliens?

I will always worship you
And hate you

Where's the alternate-William Bell????
Would William Bell and alternate-William Bell be together on earth2?
Since Mr. Nimoy is retiring, it seems like they don't have a lot of time to address this.

I am so hoping for a Ron Swanson spinoff.

Where can I get one of those luminous crucifixes that shines on my head?

No, No, No
"The giant smack from the descending set piece that laid you flat had nothing to do with this mysterious brain injury. Your Co-pay will be $26,000."

Like that Sphinx doesn't gay up the whole Giza Plateau…

I need to enhance my calm, so I'm downloading the "Jolly Green Giant" jingle from iTunes as we speak.

I've heard that
the best way to end up with 12 million dollars in today's music industry is to start off with 25 million dollars.

There is no "V" in "Penis".
