Al Cracka

We could start with Leviticus. Have you read that? It's fucking insane!

@ Steely Danzig: I dunno, man, have you read God Delusion? He's pretty condescending in that book.

Abanans prove God!

I had to look up Poe's Law. Awesome!

@ Realist of Steel: "every one of us has a threshold where ideas become worthy of condescension."

Ha ha, Slate's commenters suck so bad.

@ELDan: I think (I hope) that he's referring to creationists, not all religious people. He did make that old hackneyed mistake of comparing everyone who disagrees with him to racists, though, which is still lame.

The outfit has a hole for my wiener.

@Jesus: Nice one. High five! Shit, forgot about your hand, sorry.

Just out of curiosity, for those who are familiar with this guy, is he a parody or is he being serious?

No, YOU'RE stupid!

@Emasculate: Ah! Well thanks, that's good to hear. I know they hang out in the same circles (and are both uncompromisingly anti-religion), so I'm glad to hear they're buds. Did you read both books? I'd be interested in your opinion.

Says you. I wasted countless hours on this lizard outfit.

Shouldn't that be the other way around? It's religion that should keep its mitts off science.

@Tuck: correct. Except for at shortstop.

@Lazy, sibling-abusing bastard:

What does this have to do with evolution? And why can't you spell fuck?

Atheists have many different beliefs about morality. Some believe that it's a biologically developed imperative because humans are a cooperative race - that is, we depend on working together to survive. Ants, another cooperative race, will also do things like sacrifice themselves for the good of the colony.

Oh, yeah…this is basically a widespread conspiracy to hand out anti-science propaganda on campuses throughout the country. For what it's worth, you did the right thing: the pro-science camps are organizing movements to go get these books so that dumber people don't get them instead.

I agree: while Dawkins is important and brilliant, he's also kindof a douche.