Al Cracka

Wow, man, I haven't been to Brunching Shuttlecocks since like before 9/11. This is like running into a brief but fun college fling in a bar and realizing she's still kindof a slut but she's no longer attractive.

Me too…I have a rock-solid rule that I see anything Daniel Day-Lewis is in.

Of course, there's a truck driver gear change.

SPOILER: No, in the end they realize that they were misinterpreting the signs: it's not total apocalypse, it's only PUPPY apocalypse. So all the humans are fine, but all the puppies in the world explode at the same time. It's pretty gross, honestly. There's like puppy guts and eyeballs everywhere and John Cusack

Why can't I quit you?
Wife and I realized that, although we only see maybe four movies a year in the theaters, 2012 marks the second Emmerich movie in a row that we've seen opening weekend. And we have no idea why. It's not like we thought it would be good or something.

I'm just glad someone got it.

"He's also become a parody of himself and has been writing the same things for over 5 years. I will now light myself on fire. "

A snap duel, bombs and this Thermos.

What do you mean you people? What do YOU mean you people?
Black people are so weird, man.

@Normal Male: who you callin' one?

"a magazine for guys who think that date rape is excusable when roofies are involved." Agreed.

Honestly, it makes a little sense.
This guy's on my Twitter feed; he's pretty funny, and I can easily see it being turned into a shitty sitcom. I can't say I'm surprised.

My girl got me a subscription to Maxim once - I think she was at least half-kidding. It's the only magazine I've ever called up to cancel my subscription. Just fucking hated it. I have the internet for my naked lady needs, and their articles are just fucking shit.

Buck-toothed Girl in Luxembourg: agreed. The single thing the Globes have going for them is that everyone's trashed all the time.

I know you didn't just talk shit about montages, man.

I fart on the Lovely Bones. Cautiously optimistic about Invictus because I'm a sucker for both South Africa and uplifting sports movies.

As long as Carl Weathers is played by Carl Weathers, I'm okay with pretty much anything else.

Yeah, this happened to me in college
Woken up in the morning by it. Thanks, Chris. Sheesh.

You don't think the ladies will find this expression attractive?!

@I point out: nah man, Spider-Woman's suit is well-established as yellow in the navel area. Udjibbom's concerns are valid.