Al Cracka

sitting at my desk trying it.

Brubaker's run is fuckin' amazing, huh? And I loved Bendis's run, too, which means Daredevil has been consistently awesome for fucking ages.

Doesn't make the criticism necessarily invalid, though. For me, Gaydos and Maleev have somewhat similar styles - y'know, in that they're both kinda sketchy and rough, although Maleev has the photo backgrounds and Gaydos draws more expressive faces.

Thank you, people who make me more informed. Well, sortof thank you. I didn't actually care, either. I'm from Boston! WTF, Tom Brady?

Fuck this movie twice
My major problem with this movie is that it's completely impossible to cast anyone as Mr. T. That's a losing proposition right there.

I'm not sure what's going on here but I also vote for Boy George.

I have no idea whether that football reference was sarcastic or not.

Where'd you get those pants?
Like honey stickin to a jar attractin ants
It makes me salivate when your chocolate shakes
So gimme double chili cheese and bacon cake
And throw me in a side of romance


This is maybe the best comment thread yet.

You're dumz. BURN!

I am going to make my wife have a slow-motion pillow fight with her friend tonight just to make Steven Hyden wrong.

I am also a fan of boobs!

Oh hey you know what my favorite part is? The lady part!

Nobody likes Shwartzmann. Except CS Lewis, but that guy's crazy.

Apparently I've been a 15-year-old girl my whole life, 'cause Heathers is awesome.

Woo! Crush!
Soderbergh continues to make it crystal clear that the only reason he does anything is to fuck with our heads.

Bit off topic there, Agatha.

Well done, hoss.

Zack, have you watched it recently? I mean, obviously we can disagree here and all, but when I watched it a few years back I really thought it was a crap film.