Al Cracka

Feminisnts: not to disrespect Meth's excellent alternative theory, but it means Good, Giving & Game. The idea being that if your lover is into something you're not totally into, you could at least give it a shot, or agree to do it sometimes. As long as it's not one of the Universally Agreed-Upon Grody Things: kids,

"-", you fail at being teased.

Wow, I had not heard about this. That's hella rad.

To anyone who thinks they were discerning as a 13-year-old, I point out that ET is a shitty movie.

Seconded that it would make me awfully happy if that corridor fight wasn't CG. I want someone turning a crank off camera that rotates that fucking thing for real.

OH! It means sexual intercourse, right?

This is some bullshit up in here, man.

Elegant Victorian Ladies are the bomb.

This is why I'm glad I'm not a homeless guy. Can you imagine how pissed you'd be if you were rooting around looking for a half-eaten sandwich and all you found was a dead lady? You'd be like fuck, I can't eat most of this.

SHUT UP PINKIE! I'M BRAGGING HERE! fisticuffs all around

This is the worst conversation ever. Really, this whole thing is just going very poorly.

I do not agree. Looks cheesy.

a) literate Americans are pussies, everybody knows that.

Next on AV Club: Pictures of pretty girls who are naked! WARNING: this link will take you to a porn site.

Scorcese: Year One
Good idea.

Happy to help, cutie. I've been to Luxembourg! That place is little.

You know what really used to burn me up? When the film advertises nudity, but it's only bit players who show their tits; the leads never get naked themselves. It's a corollary to your "strip clubs don't count" thing, I think.

It's not elides over, hoss, it's just elides. "The film elides most of their relationship-building."

Agree that zombies are played out, but the Walking Dead series is pretty great.
