
It's very suspicious that her and her parents' stories continue to not line up, especially since you don't get a clear definitive sense that she's 100% in the right and the Cooper parents are 100% monsters. It's just enough inconsistency between their stories (without any resolution as to who is ultimately right) that

They have in interviews—I think Cheryl's actress said it's a "business friendship," like it's good branding to be seen together, so they put on a bit of an act.

It's remarkable how quickly the writers are having them jump into this very mature and reasonable relationship—so much so that it's accidentally come across to like, half the fandom, that Betty isn't interested or is kinda cool on Jughead. If the music doesn't come up super loud and they don't spend thirty full

Hermione Lodge wouldn't be caught dead in something as pedestrian as drug store makeup, are you insane? She bathes in SK-II by the truckload or some shit.

Oh MAN there is so much to unpack here.


Lily Reinhardt had an interview where she said the originally-written end of the kiss scene was cut for time, and it had Betty telling Jughead "to be continued". I think that would have settled once and for all that Betty was into it and wanted him to kiss her.

That was a GENIUS bit of acting between them, and it amazes me that nobody at the table caught on. Kevin kinda glanced over at Jug for a second, but these kids all have their heads so far up their own asses. Not even Veronica gave them a little side-eye.

Yes, to be discussed. Over many burgers. Over many days.

Apparently it's going to last through at least the second-to-last episode of the season, if not actually survive the season outright. Leaked pictures have them arm in arm and looking pretty happy in episode 12.

Very true—if you look at it a certain way, her thought process has some logic.

Oh, definitely. She was floored that it was happening, but in a pleasantly surprised kind of way.

I think at the time, I was more concerned that the writers might go that direction—the actors have tremendous chemistry and I really do like this ship. On rewatch, the scene plays totally differently when you aren't focused on the fact that holy shit, that just happened, you know?

I went back and watched it again, and it comes off much, much better on a second viewing. It doesn't feel so much like she's suddenly off on a mental tangent out of boredom or being underwhelmed. It's definitely more like the writers are trying to show us that Betty and Jughead work well together because they're on

When I actually give it some thought, this show's love triangle seems to be Archie/literally any human being/his own stupidity.

Really? It looked to me like she was into it, and was so surprised that it actually happened that her mouth popped open and she smiled when they broke apart.

They released waaaaay too many previews this week. They basically spoiled every scene Betty and Jughead had together except for the kiss and the ending where they go back to find Polly's blood on the broken window.

Yeah, what was up with the werewolf thing? What trauma in Archie's past is related to a wolf man mask?

That would honestly be so refreshing.

And then they can all move into a hotel and go to school in the hotel, and Smithers can yell at them all to quit running in the hallways.