
He even repeated their tagline from the original show's lyrics! Long tails and ears for hats!!!

YESSSS I LIVE for the way Alice kept over-enunciating the word Jughead, like it was physically repulsive and about to make her dry heave.

I have a feeling that if this show gets into full supernatural nonsense, it's gonna turn out that all the parents are analogues for the kids, and history is doomed to repeat itself again and again, or something.

CO-SIGNED. If this show incrementally turns into Betty and Jughead Snoopin' On Shit in Riverdale and Occasionally Making Out, I would not object.

Never enough Cole Sprouse on this goddamn show for me. Whoever cast him deserves no peace in THEIR LIFE, EITHER

I hope they don't just drop the storyline altogether, like he just gets over it by hooking up with Veronica or whatever. It should have little repercussions throughout the reason of the season.

Hmm. I'll have to rewatch it and see if my first impression was wrong.

That was the one thing I think this episode did… if not entirely well, then right. He broke down in his dad's arms after insisting so many times that everything was okay and normal, that he wanted it and it wasn't inappropriate. That felt realistic and subverted the usual chestnut tropes about masculinity and sexual

It's such a complex characterization, too, because usually characters who are that hard-line about Doing The Right Thing are Captain America types, bright shining beacons of self-righteous indignation and honesty.

Exactly how she showed up in town, Lolita sunglasses and all.

"Knitted beanie crown aesthetic" kinda sounds like it would be redolent of jeans that haven't been washed in several months anyway.

Does that speak to some need of hers to be punished?

And she seems to be the one parent gaining a sense of humanity rather than slowly losing it.

That *would* be an interesting development. Maybe since Archie pawned his fucking guitar like a goddamn idiot with his head up his ass, Jughead could move in to the soundproofed garage.

Cheryl should be easy to hate, but her flair for dialogue just makes her a thing of beauty and a joy forever.

Glad to see the ostensible end of the Grundy plotline, but jeez—Jughead continues to be the most interesting aspect of this show, fully justified now by his pretentious posturing that's just a cover for a deeply wounded child.

"Cheer-up cheeseburgers for everyone, LARRY." is my nomination for the funniest line delivery from NPH so far.

Yeah, the show could do a better job of demonstrating just how isolating and confusing it can be to be in the VFD. The adults are supposed to have their efforts confounded by not knowing who they can trust at any given time, and by very poor communication. I really hope season 2 shows more of that.

Absolutely, which is why I'm so hopeful that the series fills in some more details, because it's fascinating and introduces the possibility (however slight) of the unreliable narrator.

What I love about it so much is Bobby's face.