
You're edging now, aren't you?
The A.V. Club

8. 999

7. 998

6. 997

5. 996

4. The fact that I lurked on this site since grad school (2010) but didn't make an account until there was an Inventory about shitty jobs (I think).

3. The one time I got an AV Club staffer to reply to a comment because I made a joke about Slack.

2. The part where I actively tanked my already shitty comment-to-upvote ratio.

1. The one where whenever Goonie wasn't on screen everyone looked around and asked "Where's Goonie?"

I'm trying to hit 1,000 comments, someone give me a prompt!

Kinjas hate Danson With Myselves

Blast "Everything Means Nothing to Me" and close the browser.




I never hit 1,000 comments. I truly am a failure!

Let's not get too hasty.

"Oh, tingle" - Kinja, observing all of our suffering

Late to the party, but as someone who has had to deal with multiple platform/CMS changes that come down from corporate, I feel for you staffers. This process is never fun and never seamless. Our commenting community takes a hit every time and it never quite bounces back. I wrote an article built on the Kinja system

There is a weird trend in my local music scene where several of the local garage bands are slowly morphing into Led Zeppelin clones. Like, they dress like them and everything. One guy shoved past me and turned around to say "Black Sabbath everyday, motherfucker." I have no idea what's going on.