
Player Unknown's Battlegrounds is maybe one of the most harrowing, weird, and irresistibly fun video games I've played in a good long while.

I've opened for a few bands that I really liked and most of the time they were really cool, but sometimes you run into a band on tour that just seems worn the fuck out.

No Pinback, huh? Well, I guess to each their own.

Hot Take: Twin Cinema is the best.

Questionable lyrics aside, "Tired of Sex" remains my favorite song on one of my all-time favorite albums.

"I've got this thing that I consider my only art of rolling cars over"

Fugazi's End Hits and The Argument are in my car right now (yes, I still have to use my car's CD player).

At the Mountains of Radness

I'm honestly surprised they didn't just play "Needle in the Hay" during Tommen's scene.

I like to think of it like this - my fellow Oklahomans are just suspicious about the right-wing rhetoric they keep hearing. Is that okay? Will you all just let me have this?!

More Overwatch. My friends and I are still having a great time with it. It's a really good game.

I try to only use Yogg if A) the other player has board control or B) I need to draw cards. Call of the Wild is the other win conditions, and tends to be what I use to win in 70% of the games. I use Yogg if I've stalled out or if I'm losing.

That's a solid point. I probably should have used a different term. I would say though that I think Overwatch does a better job than most of making those counters more apparent, or at least the people playing in the beta seemed to pick up on them really quickly.

Late to the thread as ever, but I finished the Doom campaign and boy-howdy was it a hoot. But seriously, the game leaned into all the right levers and it was good, silly fun blasting my way through the story mode. I've been playing a cool deck in Hearthstone that revolves around only casting removal spells and using

This canister sends its regards.

As someone from Oklahoma, Rocklahoma is a fucking joke among the locals. There are a lot of festivals around the state which pull in pretty great artists, but Rocklahoma seems to be the only one that gets any press - cause it's so fucking cheesy.

At least we still have Stop Making Sense.

After 960 comments, I think this is my first AV Club staffer response. I must be doing something right!

I do love the shade being thrown with "…if you want."

That Slack thread must have been awful.