broadcast nudes

And who's to thank for all of those guns?

Yeah seriously. What has this site become? This piece of shit clickbait article with its awful pun headline is indefensible.

I guess. Intentional or not, Lena Headey is a very good actress and she brings a vulnerability and humanity to the role. You can't help but feel for her when she's suffering.

I can see someone making the argument that rape is a different act in the lawless and cruel Game of Thrones world, and we shouldn't be viewing it with a modern sensibility.

Which is especially weird considering how dead-on accurate those cardboard cut-outs are.

Wow, you're only 100 years younger that Paul Harvey, who you may not even be aware that you're parodying!

Colbert Report had a good run and quite possibly outlived the cultural relevance of the shows it's parodying, but how much longer would it have lasted if he didn't take the Late Show job? I could see Comedy Central dropping him in a few years to put someone younger in there. At least on the Late Show there's a good

I never thought this particular feature worked. Well, it works as far as being kinda troll-ish click bait on the AV Club's part but it doesn't really open up any interesting discussion. What can you say about a song you hate? It's overplayed, it's annoying, the lyrics are dumb— it just comes down to personal taste. If

Also, if your neighbor is outside your window shouting into a bullhorn and flashing a strobe light in your eyes, you could buy some dark sunglasses and industrial-grade earmuffs.

His show can be a bit of a slog during "Against The Wind" but once he busts out "Night Moves", man, the whole place goes insane.

"Ever go on a safari?"

I have a feeling he'd go all Gervais on us if he had too much US success. We probably wouldn't be seeing more top-quality Partridge material, he'd be in more big, broad comedies.

Yeah and that USA cult of Coogan would probably disown him real quick if he got too popular here. We, I mean, uh, they thrive on that certain superiority you get by being "in the know" with stuff like this.

Also quality Coogan: Saxondale. Do I like it better? I like it different.

He's like 8 years younger than Rik Mayall, is that a generation? The answer of course is "maybe."

Hrm. Close, but I'd define it as "Boring, small minded white people who don't live in NYC, LA or the other six or seven hubs of hipsterdom".

I'll accept this theory if it's established that all the shows take place in an AMCverse where Walking Dead, Breaking Bad, Mad Men, Hell on Wheels, The Killing and Rubicon are all canon. Please note, I would only allow Low Winter Sun as a "what if?" story.

We barely see anything recognizable when they're scavenging. That's one issue I have with the show (and mentioned it last week's comment section), there's nothing to really tie it to a world that actually existed before. There's not a logo on anything, all the businesses are mom-and-pop, there's not even a can of soda

If he really needs a copy of Monster he should check every single used CD store everywhere. I was actually thinking of buying them in bulk to use as solar panelling.

My theory: people like to see grim hopelessness after alien invasions and zombie apocalypses because you get to see people in survival mode and familiar landmarks devastated, but there's pretty much no chance it's actually going to happen.