broadcast nudes

That, and with some shows like GOT and the Sopranos and Boardwalk Empire main characters dying is expected and relatively frequent. Deaths can be surprising of course but it's not so jarring it feels like it takes you out of the little universe they're created, like Valerie Harper's character dying offscreen on her

Yeah I wonder that too, I hope it's not to go make dumbass romantic comedies with Katherine Heigl or something.. You'd think actors would have some respect for how rare a great role on a great show like that is.

It's a pretty popular show on a major network and Will's death has been all over the entertainment news shows and pop culture sites and social media, how much should the AV Club be expected to cater to hypothetical Good Wife fans who've sat on the episode and avoided all discussion of the show all week?

I don't know why exactly but for whatever reason when a Sunday night cable drama gets its hooks into me I see it through to the end. Even if it's as awful as Dexter and Big Love became. I have no problem giving up a Tuesday show I'm iffy about, but something about Sunday night makes me really crave the familiar.

In defense of New Girl, which why the hell am I doing that exactly?, at least you can't say Zooey Deschanel hasn't put in the time and effort to earn that "quirky adorable girl" label. I mean the show was clearly created around her, she's not filling a position.

But there are non-white bookish socially awkward teenager girls on TV— they're just usually the sidekicks or background players and played for comic relief, which is, I believe, part of the complaint. Oh, and they're usually improbably attractive for someone who's supposed to be bookish and socially awkward, but

TV shows are green-lit and the lead characters devised and often cast long before they hire the writers. Blame the network and studio execs who purchase, shape and program the TV shows in the first place. Also, are you high?

At least with Chess if someone's dominating it will be over in 15 minutes.

The headline does clearly say it's a shitty plan.

Honestly I don't get the attitude that you can't have a perfectly fine viewing experience watching something on a 5" screen… I mean is watching a movie more of an eyestrain that reading a website or playing a game?

It's the same John Adams, but now he's a coroner who solves mysteries by night.

Well it's more like he needs to make a lot of money fast and this is something a guy with his skills could do. The show's also hardly a gradual descent into anything, it's more like a spiral out of control.

Yes, I was talking to you! I notice you have a mohawk haircut, are you one of the Sex Pistols?

Nah. Too short, too baby faced.

Writing is definitely a great bet if you're thinking long term. You could conceivably have your first big success as a writer in your fifties or sixties and it wouldn't be that unusual. Most other creative fields, forget it.

Now here's the question, COULD there be a good Fantastic Four movie? I mean a fully animated cartoon in Jack Kirby's style and taken from the silver age of the comics, maybe even Pixar style— hell yeah, that could work. But live action, I dunno, they're just so goofy…

I haven't played this game so I don't know it's handled when you get to a no-win situation, but I would say this about gaming in general..

Ginger is one of those women that every guy assumes all other guys are lusting after, even though they themselves probably prefer a Mary Ann type. See also Pamela Anderson. And Loni Anderson.

That was cool and the sweetroll reference was funny but where's the people with the cat faces and tails, or those human-lizard guys?

It's not just that their recommendations are bad, I swear they have stuff that's completely uncategorized (and thus, you have to find it by actively searching, or maybe by randomly following links to actors and directors.)