Pro Boner

The problem is, this show isn't willing to do anything.  The two main characters they've killed off this season are only dead because the actors wanted out.  If Darabont hadn't been fired, pissing off Jeffrey DeMunn and hiring Jon Bernthal away for his new series, both Dale and Shane would still be with us.  Kirkman

Wait a second, awaiken, surely you're not suggesting that this show has actual character development? 

Speaking of Carl making it out to the field, LORI IS THE WORST MOTHER ON EARTH.  There are crackheads with better parenting skills.  Last episode, Carl wanders all over hell and back, playing with guns and nearly being eaten by a zombie he's teasing.  Then this episode, in the midst of the panic of an armed man on the

I'm sure he made some brownies when they dropped him down that well with the fat zombie.

This idiotic, bullheaded argument you two are having would be right at home in a Walking Dead script.


I agree.  Hire some Lost writers.  This show needs more tropical polar bears and smoke monsters!

Think of it like this:  shows like Justified and Breaking Bad are in the honors track.  Getting a B there is much more of an achievement than getting an A in the "special needs" class that contains shows like American Idol, Celebrity Apprentice, anything on CBS, etc…

Hey, this kind of points up a big flaw in their zombie mechanics.  If the zombies are attracted to blood so much that a few drops several yards away lures them instantly, then how does putting one dead corpse on top of T-Dizzle protect him, when he's covered in a quart of fresh blood from his severely gashed arm?

I don't get why this "revelation" is supposed to be such a big deal, either in the show or in the comics.  You're living in a world where the living dead stalk you to eat your flesh.  Is worrying about what happens after you die really a top priority?  It makes for an almost-clever bit of wordplay on the show's title,

And, apparently it's been six months since the last episode, and Randall has had daily physical therapy sessions, because his leg (that had a BARBED FENCE POST jammed clean through it and was patched up by an elderly veterinarian on a kitchen table) didn't appear to have even slightly reduced mobility.

You could cut your thumb, like Rick did.  Something that can be covered with a band-aid that will close up almost immediately.

It was also a reference to the police chief's conversation with Ben back in "Ron & Tammy Part Two", where he said Leslie Knope gets as many favors as she needs.  I love that this show is so consistent with its callbacks.  Like Ben's selections of calzones as his food to obsess about - that's a callback to the same

Yeah, I think the show has had quite enough of one Mr. Lucas Taylor, thank you very much.  They went to such extraordinary lengths to make him an evil bad guy, it was ridiculous.  His cartoonish scene-chewing was so over-the-top, they should have just given him a mustache to twirl while he cackled menacingly.  I

Dude, you are going to LOVE Showtime's upcoming new show, "Toilet Lawyer"…

Finally, after sitting through 13 hours of this show, we get to see some motherfuckers get all ate up by goddamn dinosaurs!  Was that so fucking hard, Terra Nova?  That's all any of us really wanted.  I had high hopes when I saw the "viewer discretion is advised" warning at the beginning, and I was not disappointed. 

I know, right?  It's like they think it's possible to find more than one person attractive at a time!  Or, weirder still, that two different people might have slightly divergent preferences in women's appearances!  It's insane!

^^^ LOUD NOISES!!! ^^^

The Jimmy Fallon haters are all just mad because he's clearly having a great time.  He's maybe not the most talented guy in the late-night comedy space (that's clearly Colbert), but compared to most of the rest, who seem to go through their shows with all the joy and energy of a forced march, Fallon's energy stands

Wait, wait, wait.  There's something in Star Wars called "jizz music"?  I thought this shit was supposed to be for kids, Lucas!