Pro Boner

He became a citizen several years back.

You've got your tense all wrong, Rowan.  It should be "..that WAS often the best part.  But they generally maintainED their quality…", since you must be talking about early seasons of the show.  The current Simpsons episodes are the TV equivalent of raw sewage, and as such, there's no quality to maintain.

To be fair to this horrible script, he said destroying the gate dealie would "disrupt the rift" or something to that effect.  It wasn't so much losing the gate, but that that loss would somehow fuck up the whole thing.  Pure BS, but at least the writers were trying, bless their hearts.

Everyone knows the best science fiction is written with a penis dipped in ink.  Asimov's knob was stained the deepest ebony, so prolific a writer was he.

I flushed something this morning that could've done a better job than Braga.

Everybody should say everything like Danny DeVito.  Think how much better this world would be.

I'll bet Christa Miller would look a hell of a lot better today if she hadn't gotten butchered by her plastic surgeon…  She used to be so cute, and now she looks like a victim of Joker gas…

I think you're thinking of "Pat".  You can be forgiven, though, because those skits were just so fucking awful.

You're an idiot, Doralee!  Why are you wasting time reading the review, when everyone knows the only way to win at AV Club is to see the letter grade, and then immediately post a comment bitching about it?  Do you want your comment to be on the second or even (gasp!) third page, just because you chose to slow yourself

The whole CDC part never happened in the comics, so nobody (probably including the writers…) has any idea what the scientist whispered to Rick.

Another nice shot was the top-down view from the barn roof as Shane was poking around the door in the beginning of the episode.

That doesn't make much sense.  "This show might not be popular, so let's just get some shitty actors and hope for the best"?

She had what looked like a huge bite on her neck (obscured by her hair in most of the shots), so presumably she could've bled out and died very quickly.  She got bit, escaped, and bled to death.  Could've happened pretty fast if the bite got her carotid or jugular.

When the dude comes to get Herschel about the two zombies in the creek mud, he says "It happened again."  This is certainly intended as a bit of sly foreshadowing about Sophia, that they found her in the mud.

Frankly, I don't care who dies, but they better get fucking eaten by a goddamn dinosaur - ONSCREEN, motherfuckers - or I'm going to kick my TV in.

Actually, I think it was "with your daughter", which smacks of a network censor asking them to clean it up just a little bit.


That fact was not fun at all.

The thing is, if you're rich enough, you can just have a really big-ass needle made, and walk that camel right on through.

That sonofabitch has got to go.