Pro Boner

THAT was your problem with that scene?  They listed that hermit guy in the credits as "Plot Contrivance".

THAT was your problem with that scene?  They listed that hermit guy in the credits as "Plot Contrivance".

So, just normal Ryan Seacrest then?

So, just normal Ryan Seacrest then?

Just leave off the "for television" bit, and you've got it!

Best part about that video?  It has its own T-Dog @ 5:26!  Can't have a zombie story without a T-Dog!

The helicopter was obviously going to be something early on, when they put it in the pilot, but they forgot to come back to it.  The internet fanboys won't let anything go, so they got tired of everyone speculating about the fucking helicopter, so they used it here to pretend like that was the idea all along.

She doesn't really like talking about her flair.

Is there room for a time-travelling robot in the mix?

I think your numbers are off.  If it's the same poll I saw, the results were that 29% of Republican primary voters in Mississippi thought interracial marriage should be illegal.  Still an appalling number, but a pretty far cry from "46% of Mississippi residents".

That would've helped to gloss over it a bit, but the timeline is still jacked.  Shane took Randall out a little before sunset, and comes back.  So unless they bumbled around for eight or ten hours in those dark woods, it just doesn't make sense that they'd still be in full-speed fleeing mode the next morning.

It makes a little more sense coming from Maggie.  Rick has kept Carol alive since he showed up. even though by her own admission she's useless.  Maggie had a nice, safe place to live with her family before Rick and his crew showed up and started fucking things up (from Maggie's POV, anyway).  Maggie doesn't owe Rick

I imagine sailing is one of the easiest skills to learn from a library book while living under extreme stress.

Bingo.  Axe handles and baseball bats, baby.  Any edged weapon is liable to only hack halfway through and get stuck in a zombie's skull.  Then you're fucked.

Hey, Lori, maybe Carl wouldn't be out in the middle of the night shooting zombies if, you know, YOU KEPT YOUR EYE ON HIM JUST FUCKING ONCE.  I swear, that kid has more freedom to come and go as he pleases in the middle of a zombie apocalypse than I do as a middle-class adult in a functional society.

Mazzara and the rest of the crew seem to have a pretty loose sense of the passage of time, though.  The herd overruns the farm in the middle of the night, and then it's mid-morning by the time everyone makes it back to the highway?  Maybe they wouldn't have run out of gas later in the episode if they hadn't spent six

The only thing I Iearned from Talking Dead is that Chris Hardwick has never seen anything that wasn't AMAZING.

Ask the suicidal iPhone makers at Foxconn how "improved" their life is.

Whoa, whoa, slow your roll, Tex.  The worst thing AMC has ever done?  Have you not seen "Talking Dead"?

The irony (IronE?) of that scenario is that, in a world where he's the last surviving human, he won't have any reason to talk, so the series will just be a silent T-Dawg roaming the Earf.