Pro Boner

That was Leslie's flag collection, which she presumably has had since she was in Model U.N. as a kid, so it's actually not a mistake, but amazing attention to detail…

And he ran like the wind (and wiped out hilariously) in the Freddy Spaghetti episode.

Thanks for sharing!  This was vital information that we all needed.

Yeah, this is a guy who thought it was a great idea to live in a pit full of garbage so he could be close to his ex-girlfriend.  He's been pretty dumb from the beginning.

You've never met a reasonably together woman who is only attracted to shitheads and creeps?  That seems way more realistic than almost everything else on this show.

I don't have a problem with them making up dinosaurs, since the fossil record is so incomplete (I mean, we've got whole species that are described from a single bone fragment?  That seems like bad science in and of itself), but what bugs me about the Slashers is, every other dinosaur gets called by its scientific

You forgot the part where the BARTENDER FIXED A FRIED MICROCHIP (I'm not ordinarily an all-caps guy, but you started it).  That fucker has some steady hands if he can solder on a nanometer scale.

Yeah, goddamnit!  This show about zombie monsters shouldn't be ridiculous and far-fetched!

They knew where a ventilator could be procured (albeit protected by a zombie horde), they didn't know where to find an 18th-century apothecary, so the ventilator and modern anaesthetic seemed the logical choice.

If we're going for realism, shouldn't it read "pathetically blow my wad the instant she touches my dick"?

Yeah, but Tom likes high-end, flashy parties, and you Bloomington hillbillies like to chug Natty Light standing around a garbage fire.

I doubt even the most Ned-Flanders-ish person is horrified by fart jokes.  Dick jokes, maybe, but even Queen Victoria herself would laugh at a good fart joke.

Here's a tip for you guys to get a lot more enjoyment out of this show.  I noticed a couple weeks ago that Jim's voice is EXACTLY the same as Adam Scott's (seriously, everything about the way they both talk is identical), so while you're watching it, pretend instead that you're watching "Ben Wyatt:  Time Travelin'

I think the lottery makes sense (and here's where I put more thought into this than the writers of the show) this way:  If the world is is bad in 2149 as they portray it, and then this complicated super-science way to get people into a literal Garden of Eden is developed, but you can't send everybody back, you've got

A thousand years?  The future on this show is 2149.  Check your math.

Your absolutely horrible idea is a hundred times better than any of the dreck in this episode.

"And once you've heard knocking on a door you just closed, to the inside
of an empty bedroom you've just walked out of, you will say ghosts are
real too."

"The Sopranos […] went out at just the right time"

Or, "An AV Club Series That Will Peter Out After About Three Or Four Articles, And Quietly Go Away".

You've officially put more thought into this than the writers, and even come up with a plausible explanation.  If it takes a shit-ton of energy to send people and materiel through the portal, then Terra Nova wouldn't have enough energy to do the reverse.  That's actually pretty clever, and it opens the future