Pro Boner

Not to defend the show, but that's kind of par for the course in most genre shows, isn't it?  Look at Star Trek:  the captain of a starship would most likely never, ever leave the ship to go explore some unknown planet.  Except he does, every episode, because he's the main character.  It's a stupid contrivance, but

This episode kind of flirts with the idea that the Sixer issue could provide some good ongoing conflict, but, as Rowan points out, so far their motivation has been pretty vague.  And I really, really hope they find a way to explain why all of the Sixers appear to be, ahem, more "ethnic" than the rest of the

So, Gary, would you find it perfectly acceptable if the guys on "Sound Opinions" gave over a quarter of the show to guest comedians doing their act?  Or if a sports podcast included 20 minutes of untranslated Chinese poetry?  Nobody's saying that every second of a comedy podcast has to be 100% hilarious, we're just of

I don't think people have a "need for pure comedy all the time", I think it's just that a lot of people feel that over-earnest singer-songwriters playing acoustic folk songs is a little out of place in a show with "comedy" in the title, whose express purpose is as a comedy show.  If it was "The Hot Saucerman Good Time

The reason it's set seven years in and not with the first group of colonists is because that first group wouldn't have brought kids.  You can't have a "family" show without kids, and this show clearly wants to have the family bullshit front-and-center.

Yeah, anyone who thinks this show is really so terrible needs to have their shitty-TV-ometer recalibrated by watching both seasons of ABC's "V".  That was an actively terrible TV show.  This one is just pedestrian and boring so far.

Especially for a horrible hack like Pardo…

What warehouse do you work in where you make over $50K a year?? 

The ship sailed on that particular arithmetic about ten years ago.

The TRS-80 Model I was arguably more of a game-changer, as far as jump-starting the personal computer revolution.  Radio Shack sold a shitload of those while Apple was struggling to get the Apple II rolling.  That success spurred Atari, Commodore, and others to jump into the home computer game feet first.  Apple gets

Yeah, because this show's biggest problem is the math…


Whoa, whoa, slow down there.  Back up.  Exactly *who* loved "The Cape"?

He isn't at the birth because this is a sitcom, and every birth on every sitcom since 1956 has had the same tired "will the dad make it to the birth in time" bullshit episode.

Is everyone in Minnesota a retard like Michelle Bachman?  Is every New
Yorker tweeting dick pics to strangers?  At best, the shitheads in
Congress can be said to represent the 20 or so percent of their district
that actually bother to cast a vote for them.   So all that tells me is, on both sides of the aisle, 20