
None of this would be happening if Randy Travis didn't steal Peggy's song.

None of this would be happening if Randy Travis didn't steal Peggy's song.

I have this on in the background, and I'm not really paying attention to it, but I can safely say this show has waaaaay too much lens flare. It's incredibly distracting.

I have this on in the background, and I'm not really paying attention to it, but I can safely say this show has waaaaay too much lens flare. It's incredibly distracting.

For some reason, like it took me a long time to actually sit down and listen to The Ramones, it took me a while to actually give the Beastie Boys a fair shake. I almost exclusively listen to full albums, and from my youth of listening to 80s music, I was aware of the Beasties mostly through the stand-out tracks of

That's not what was said at all. Of coure "Marmalade Cream" is instantly
identifiable as a "Mississippi Queen" soundalike. The songs being
requested/played are simply being listed off. The "unidentifiable" song
mentioned is sung by Syd Straw, "gone with the summer wind" is a lyric
in it.

I'll be honest. I never saw Mad About You, I was a little young when it was originally on, and I've never seen a single episode of the show, nor do I really even know what the show was about. The only reason I even knew a guy named "Paul Reiser" existed is because when Jimmy Fallon's "Late Night" first came on (way

I decided to keep this show on after Community for the sole reason of Henry Rollins. Goddamn is this show fucking awful. The black guy is named "Fernando" after the ABBA song, I saw that shit coming from a million miles away. There was also apparently a cat named "Chairman Meow". I do find that cat name absolutely

It's the first that popped into mind, it's the "young pilots" part that made me think Evangelion, but yeah, giant robots, hardly an innovative premise, but still a neat one.

"giant battling robots commanded by young pilots"…
That's mostly making me think of Neon Genesis Evangelion. Anyone else?

…oh, and Salute Your Shorts. I really liked that when I was younger, and Blake Sennett of Rilo Kiley was on that too, so it has that going for it.

I'm kinda on the fence about the latter 3 in that little list of shows to be in this block. I'd be alright with "All That" being shown, as long as it's like, the first 5 seasons, which would encompass the show's 1990s run. I'm iffy on Kenan & Kel, if only because the last time I had cable/satellite was 8 months ago,

I always thought Tupac's "California Love" should be made national anthem, if only because the thought of rising for the nat'l anthem and that playing is quite funny to me.

I love both The Replacements and Husker Du. For some reason, I kinda find it unsettling how the entire Replacements discography has been remastered and given the "deluxe reissue" treatment, yet not a single Husker Du album has gotten the same courtesy extended to it.

A thought on Greg Norton…
This thought popped into my mind whilst watching We Jam Econo, which Greg Norton appeared in…

I don't need a rip of the Benoit DVD, I have the actual disc on my shelf, which I will occasionally pop in for his Japanese matches and against William Regal from the Brian Pillman Tribute show. I don't condone what he may have done, but I absolutely loved watching the man hone his craft.

…and that 350 lb Samoan is now dead. So, I guess the Jackass guys kinda won out in the end?

Mayhem on Monday Night Raw? Red Bowtie?
How have they forgotten about Bob Backlund?! He had a red bowtie, and he caused plenty of mayhem! He walks everywhere! He can't read!

I think it was Jeremy Piven who accidentally called the SummerSlam PPV "Summerfest" during his time guest hosting RAW. Thus, other than providing WWE & the internet fans with a recurring joke, He really doesn't rank amongst the "best" hosts they've had. The A-Team film cast provided some stupid fun, and I still think

What happened to…
calling these the R.J. Bergers? Was that just a one-time joke? I kinda liked it and was willing to go along with it.