
I should probably note, I went through a great shift in my personal musical tastes since the last time I regularly listened to Soundgarden (which I also suffered through Audioslave at the same time). I listened to general rock music, but upon being overwrought by the likes of Nickelback, Creed/Altar Bridge, Theory of

Do people still care about Soundgarden?
I loved them when I was, like, 13, but listening back on some of their stuff more recently, I just can't get into it at all. If they had gotten back together during the middle part of the last decade, I might have cared, but now, I couldn't give a shit less about it.

I smell a "Heroes"-like downfall in this show's future…
I watched this show for most of it's first 13 episodes, although when it came back on after that, I suddenly found it unbearable to watch. I stopped watching it completely, and I'm damn glad I did.

It's amazing how the world works sometimes
In the same day, humanity is endowed with a topless photo of Hayley Williams, and then Gary Coleman dies. It really is give-and-take.

We used to have a Hollywood Video location in my hometown, but it went under back several months ago, and sometime before then, part of that particular store was turned into a Potbelly sandwich shop. Now it's just vacant. There also used to be two Movie Gallery stores, both in strip mall locations, one between a bike