
I think Arya figured out that Littlefinger is manipulating them but still wasn't sure if she could trust Sansa. Her giving Sansa the knife from littlefinger after that creepy monologue could be like her saying, "This is what littlefinger wants you to think of me, here's the knife that proves he's just messing with

Listen to Tame Impala. Australian but basically the Pink Floyd of the 2010s

Better than Time too. In fact Time is listed after all the transitional songs in dark side. This guy should be in a different line of work

The Happiest Days of our lives not being paired with Another brick pt 2 makes no sense to me. The fact that it was placed at 11 on it's own… I don't even know what to say. It's not a full song!

Whoever wrote the list doesn't seem like much of a Pink floyd fan. He basically hates all of the songs until around 50

It makes me so sad, because only death can possibly be the end of Arya's story if she continues her quest for revenge. This was her one chance to get a happy ending but this is GoT so of course that's never going to happen.

I'm worried Arya seeing Nymeria and realizing her direwolf has changed too much to go home with her makes her reflect on her decision to go north and decide that she too has changed to much to go home. "That's not you," could have been as much about Nymeria as it was about Arya…

You're probably joking, but she's never actually been an American. She immigrates to America and comes to represent some American values (Truth, justice, etc.) but again, she's never been American.

If we assume that the Australian guy that got mauled by the lion was really God, then we can also assume that Kevin was actually Jesus, or some sort of prophet at least. By blowing up that alternate world, or purgatory, maybe he released all those lost souls and allowed them to move on to heaven, just like Jesus did

Or she just said she didn't know about Judas's suicide because she already was planning to go scuba diving

To be fair, he's a great visual director. He just doesn't know how to make compelling characters. Part of that is the scripts he works with but after a certain point you can't just blame the writers.

Wonder Woman is the only child to be born on Themyscira. Her original origin was that her mother molded her from clay and the gods filled her with life, but recently that's been revealed (retconned) to be a lie that her mother made up to keep her safe. She's actually the daughter of Zeus which is why she has super

I actually think DC is killing it right now, while Marvel needs to get their shit together. I'm still not sure how I feel about the Watchmen being in the DCU, but ever since rebirth so many of the DC books have been killing it, so I'm pretty optimistic. On the other hand, Civil War 2 killed all of my excitement for

The Colbert Report was satirizing The O'Reilly Factor. He's pretty liberal, all his butthurt back in 2008 was just "acting".

I almost stopped reading when five guys was #14 for fries. That peanut oil they use makes the fries one of the best fast food fries out there, definitely not the worst.

It's from his final album/music videos so kind of relevant to the article

ehhhh, maybe it was more enjoyable but enjoyment isn't the only thing that is being judged at these awards. From an artistic standpoint (excuse me while I throw in my mouth a little for saying that) Deadpool isn't even close to matching the rest of the films nominated. Now that might not matter. You might say

idk how to do the spoiler thing but… Michonne was there with Rick, so the whole dreads thing doesn't really make sense

Though I never cared for Rita, her suicide hit me hard. She wasn't a bad person in her mind. She knew it was wrong what she did to Josh, but he always acted like he chose to be with her. He would always say that he was in love with her at the time. That moment when he forgave her must have felt like a slap to the face

I don't like bringing up politics so all I'm going to say is: where was that system during this election?