
Where are the episode by episode reviews for this season?

Surprised how good this is looking. Great cast, and if they can use a slow burn to create an effective suspense throughout, this could be one of the best horror movies in a long time. On the other hand, this could end up being an obvious and rushed film that takes no chances and leaves John Goodman and Winstead with

The Leftovers for #1!!!!!

"Let it Happen" by Tame Impala is easily number 1

I thought this was honestly the best episode yet. The scene between Erika and Evie, Nora protecting Lily, and that fucking karaoke song were just a few standout moments. I'm not even mad that the bomb didn't go off. That would have been too easy. Too predictable. To make such a disappointment concept so moving takes

Currents by Tame Impala could be included, though it's definitely not as good as Lonerism. Still great, and definitely a favorite of mine for this year.

what movie would that happen to be? I love shitty horror movies

Wait so was this an alternate reality from the one we usually see? Seeing Mr. Poopybutthole in the title would lead me to believe so.

I'd personally rate each season like this:

yes but in that same episode, he was able to open the locked door due to his strong emotions for Annie. It's been awhile, but it had something to do with a robot that learned how to feel human emotions, and Jeff's connection to Annie brought it back online to open the door… or something like that

oh here we go again with Ramsay's actions supposed to be showing us how bad he is. YES we already know he's bad. Just because we know that already does that mean he's just going to stop? Bad people don't do bad things once just to show everyone they're bad. They continue to do bad things over and over again.

Well, idk if you found out an innocent woman who had offered to save you was brutally murdered and then forced to look at her corpse, I'm pretty sure you'd have a similar reaction. Crying doesn't make someone weak if that's what you were implying.

I honestly find this more compelling than if she had killed her way out of the situation earlier. She's not a killer, it'd be jarring to see her suddenly go that far. At least now we know she might not have another choice but to kill Ramsay. It'd be easier to accept if she killed him because of that.

Thank you for linking that article from the washington post. It was a really interesting read and really helped me to figure out how to describe my own views on last week's episode.

Eh, I'd put the Jon's stuff above Tyrion's. I feel like this is the first week where his story has actually been a standout. Jon on the other hand has had the advantage of interacting with an character even drier than him (Love both of them but no denying Stannis and Jon can be a little to honorable at time) as well

I think it was more like she was expecting to have to sleep with him, but not expecting the cruelty and physical pain Ramsay would put her through. He'd given almost no signs of being that terrible, other than his treatment of Theon, who Sansa hated anyway.

but neither of them were actually interested in being together. Tyrion was just as uncomfortable with the situation as she was. Why should they get together? That just doesn't make sense!

I think it's still a compelling arc, just because of the fact that she thought she had escaped Joffrey and learned to play the game. She thought she could get revenge on the Bolton's without the help of Littlefinger, but now she knows she's in an even worse situation than before. It's nice to see she hasn't lost her

Yeah breaking bad was allowed one "fuck" each season, and season 5b they even allowed 2! idk why the walking dead has to be different.

its definitely a hard pill to swallow, but at the same time, I loved how it showed Susannah getting her happy ending once she finally gave up on the quest. She gave Roland that same chance but he turned her down. The way I see it, the ending suggests Roland is getting closer and closer to finding out what the dark