Cougarton Abbess

Add to that fact that she was the visual opposite of Samara on the runway this week and we have a winner.

I need that flowered blouse in my life yesterday.  and I'm pretty sure that Chad and Officer Pit Crew graduated from the same Ivy League school of sitcom face, totally brilliant hams

Or a gimmick Abed account to burst through the fourth wall.

Correction: Kickpunch my heart

if Fool's Day is any indication, it seems like they're going back to basics.  which - as much as I love the crazed products of Damon Albarn's drug-addled brain - i am totally okay with.  Fool's Day is gor-or-geous

I thought they were marooned on a Chemical World

I love how they edited out the 'semen' bit of Jiggly's monologue so just it made it sound like the song had given her the runs

YES.  maybe Ru & Princess were wearing silver Kylie cowls in silent atonement

Dittoing the above comments. After two straight episodes of giving you the side-eye, I thought you were ab.fab. on the runway & Untucked.  the androgynous look was v. daring & v. fierce

True, but then again Carmen Carrera made it to the top 5 (and then inexplicably came back AGAIN over the exponentially more fabulous Delta Work) and she was dull as hell, personality-wise.  Also: Tyra.  The judges can be so fickle re: what kind of look can compensate for total vacuity. 

Oh, her face when Sharon won.  I thought she was passing a gallstone, girl was not happy

yeah, I think Sharon is a bit of a shitstirrer in diplomat's clothing.  I got that impression from her Jiggly throwdown as well, & then this week we had -

Pavel & Vickie in a murder-suicide pact.  calling it

Pop what Magnitude?  WHAT IS HE TRYING TO SAY?!

watching Latrice unceremoniously dump Kenya into the ring will never not make me laugh. 

if we're talking asian queens tearing it up, let's please not forget Ms. Juju's mascara-melting rendition of Black Velvet. i could watch that shit for days

so depressed she's taken.  i was hoping for a mid-season love connection with Princess

"supporters like Andrew Breitbart"

yeah i distinctly remember going mental with distress every time i watched the scene where he's hanging with the oven

she was bizarrely charismatic as joan jett though.  i am only convinced by her acting when she is making out with ladies tbh