
funny, but next time just say he overacts instead of making a highly generalized assessment of his acting. also i do know he tends to overact but thats a part of why i like him.

theres only one problem with this movie
it has Daniel Day-Lewis in it so i can't ignore it and pretend it never happened.

the only reason that scene exists is to trick the audience into thinking that rita is safe

i like
how community portrays community college as more of a 13th grade than a real college. i have friends in community college and they joke about the dean really being a principal instead of a dean. community has a nice balance of high school and college,

do you know why the last third of adaptation sucks. because Charlie says "What would the great Donald do in this situation?" thats when all of the overly dramatic plot twists occur. watch it again and you will see that the last third is completely brilliant because it is so super hollywoodized.

When Christine started to cry was totally unconvincing, but thats probably because i can never have sympathy for someone I've seen naked.

Well its not a twirl, it's a spin

i was gonna watch horror movies on Halloween but as i was surfing the channels i found Robocop in spanish and i had to watch it. it was amazing if only for the part that went "perras sale!"


I'm funny.

I'm done with subtext, subtext has ruined me.

i like how they play around with the fact that the boys are completely tolerant to people but they just don't get everything that happens. It's like the flag changing episode, they don't see why everyone is so mad. They're just kind young kids with filthy mouths and heightened pretension.

when a movie divulges it's themes, so now i don't have to watch the story to understand subtext. who am i kidding? there isn't going to be any subtext

From the way he is holding the can
i don't thing he spray painted any of that, but someone definitely sprayed away his camel toe.

"The only damaging thing she can find out about Dexter is his mother. " yeah and thats what that one lady with lung cancer knew, and she knew that dexter was the ice truck killers brother. Rita isn't a cop but deb is one, so if she pursues it she can find out about dexter's family in a couple episodes.

has porn been honest

It's cool to know that other people think about this stuff too

She was hot but too uptight, she would have never done a mexican halloween or the reverse of that, the piggy back.

come on Meridith
They are just going to recognize your handwriting.

It's piggy backing and frankly it's rude.