
This interview is going to make him the laughingstock of the grindcore community.

This show is "It's Always Sunny" on marijuana, for the mere fact that the guys didn't poison those high schoolers that punked them. Weed must calm their sociopathic tendencies and make them too stupid to be manipulative.

I love tom waits but
he can do better than rhyming me and me

What I don't get is what it say's they will play at the auditorium. If this is the only show they are playing in North Texas I doubt the auditorium that holds a couple hundred people will hold all the people who want to see Wilco. I hope it gets moved to the coliseum, so they can play on the stage that George W. Bush

I'm sure it will be free for students, it's my fucking tuition money paying for them to come so it better be free.

I am a student at UNT
This is the first time I have ever been proud of it, FREE SHOW!!!

No, the reason Pete has a bruise
is because he's in a fight club.

Best line
Eli Manning, you God damn mouth breathing idiot.

Crossing my fingers
hoping they will do more shows and that at least one of them is in Texas.

I was being sarcastic bad grammar apple.

Japanese Surgeon
needs to become a more fully developed character. and by more fully developed I mean they need to let him finish his story every time he is on camera and not cut him off.

I have been to Abilene, the devil has Texas. I'm one of his constituents but i didn't vote for him. Stenholm all the fucking way

you have to make a noise or do something no one has ever done before,
because riffing on Garden State must make you feel really unoriginal. This was a good article though.

Ben Stiller
Ben Stiller, would be another person who's a hero. The movies he's created over the years, I don't really watch them, but the fact that he's making them, I respect that.

M*A*S*H* was on last night

Come on
cap'n Jazz' version of take on me should have been on here

do you think he'll be honored at the academy awards dead people thing for "my foolish heart" ? oh and of course field of dreams too.

i heard this first on
Sportscenter… what the fuck

Just hands.

I'm just trying to do my job…guarding Tess.