
The back and forth between Troy and Abed is the best, i wait for the last 30 seconds every week

People who dress in their work clothes on halloween
fuck them.

I'd like to see once again because i fell asleep the first time i saw it.

also if they commented on the "dark side" of wrestling you would have called it a "the wrestler" ripoff. The episode "up the down dose" deals with steroids, the guitar hero one deals with fame, and cartman gets mad with power every other episode ( I believe with the "chicken lover" episode). so what do you have after

Pilot's explanation makes sense, i didn't follow it when i first watched it but now that you said it the joke is much more fresh and more funny.

the best part was at sizzler JUST because Kenny was drinking water and the other kids were drinking coke. Thats whats great about south park, they can fuck around with continuity but when it comes down to it the major jokes that were started at the beginning of the show(having a poor friend) they are still

The book by the daily show staff was a pretty good audio book. just saying

I've read a couple of your theories (though not all of them) and my theory is that the Trinity killed Lundy (he took his voice recorder which he saw him talking into) the vacation killer is the reporter (why else would they keep that story going on for that long) then bay harbor butcher, the trinity killer,

I'm sorry i didn't use the Queen's English when dealing with ass cracks.

See? I make a Vegan joke and all the vegan panties get stuck up their vegan butt holes.

i disagree per se

come on
vegans fucking suck. Get angry and do your job.

I didn't mean it was better, i probably like the wedding better, but the office doesn't always have to be sentimental and I'm glad that the writers still know that.

the last 30 seconds
the part i look forward too every week, and this one was just as funny as the other ones. However, i was disappointed when the troy abed turned out to be character based instead of just hilarity. The next Abed Troy storyline should just be them doing stupid shit, and then cut to other characters.

This was exactly what the series needed. It always relies on story for a couple episodes and then it relies on their characters to be funny. This season hasn't had a good funny episode that wasn't part of a specific puzzle of the timeline. also is that picture supposed to point out that Kelly wasn't really

not great but
The scene where Ron and Leslie are weighing the options was pretty hilarious, but i think thats just because it was the sort of thing Micheal and Jim would do on the office.

closing lines
They almost seemed like an apology for Tina Fey's acceptance speech at the Emmy's when she said "I know we're not as cheap as a talk show" or something along those lines. pussy move.

This was obviously an attempt by Matt and Trey to show everyone that they are republicans. The ACORN bit, the undertone of capitalism (Butter's new business was able to flourish because it was new and inventive), and the fact that it had a guy shitting out cum…all very republican ideals.

i know what you are saying.