
Agreed. I can't put my finger on it.

Bring out the dancing girls.

Totally. I just miss those dudes.

You Look Nice Today
Whatever happened to them, anyway? Why do they only have one episode a year now?

Agreed. That's what I love about "Chuckles," too - how she's the one who loses control. Awesome.

Fair enough.

How about
The Mary Tyler Moore Show? "Chuckles Bites The Dust," perhaps?

@bungle77: Yes, I totally agree. Now they have all sorts of crap there, including a burger/seafood area, which just makes no sense. Of course I still go there and get their "small" cone, which is a hilarious name for it.

Is that Westford Academy? Nice!

Also, my high school:

@Sudbury Guy: I went to Acton-Boxborough! Let the brawl begin!!

oh weird! it works for me there, but not here. what a crazy world we live in.

I'm on Firefox 3.6.12, and the error is this - it appears on the black video screen for about 10 seconds:

Still not working for me
Getting an error message. If anyone else is having this problem, you can see the video here:

It's broken!
Fix it please! Or Buckner get angry!!

Does anyone remember
a syndicated radio show hosted by his brother Len Belzer called The Comedy Hour? I used to looooove that shit. It was on Sunday nights in the Boston area, late '80s to early '90s. It had standup performances by various up-and-comers, and interviews with comedians. I haven't had much luck in the

I totally agree. That was a really clever conceit. I'm surprised nobody here has mentioned it.

can't wait for Alec Baldwin and Kristen Wiig
carpooling, one-upping each other in taking offense.