
Be My Wife… please!


I Love Everybody
I know I'm in the minority on this, but my favorite of Lyle's is I Love Everybody. It's a weird-ass album, but it's got some great songs, and the arrangements - almost all just acoustic guitar, bass, drums - are fantastic. "La to the Left" is just gorgeous, for reasons I'll never understand.

I totally agree. Saw it this weekend and thought it had good acting and some good parts - especially the nun car chase through the North End - but it just didn't hold up. Affleck's character was a wet blanket I didn't care about, and Rebecca Hall's character is the SAME WOMAN IN EVERY BOSTON CRIME MOVIE who's just a

Speaking of Criterion, anyone know about them releasing Chaplin movies soon? I know they're doing Modern Times; are they doing any others? I hope City Lights makes a Criterion appearance. Damn that movie's amazing.

One underrated gem: "Private Number" by Judy Clay and William Bell. I didn't know it until I picked up the Stax 50th Anniversary Collection. It's fantastic.

Yeah, true. I also wasn't wearing earplugs, which I usually do because I'm an old man.

I'm gonna punch you in the nuts!

@Kinopio: I was at the Boston show too! Good times. I actually thought the sound wasn't so good. Everything was just so loud - not that I mind loud music, but it was ALL mixed so loud that I felt like I couldn't hear a lot of parts, especially vocals. But anyway. I love how damn hard they work, and the audience

Aw I like these guys.
Their song "Dead Fish On The Banks" is a good one.

I saw Elliott Smith at a little place in Philadelphia in 1999 or 2000. He played solo, and tried to leave the stage at the end (presumably to come back for an encore), but it was a bar with no stage, so he just kind of looked around frantically. Then he worriedly said, "I have nowhere to go."

…if anyone is still reading this thread three months later.

@Chartex: The Brattle! Yes! I'm in Boston too and go there all the time. But yeah, the screen is oddly small.

Thank you, Kirk Cameron. I knew I could count on you.

I'm glad the meek are getting something, they have a hell of a time.

I can tell you that the vinyl version of the reissue sounds awesome. (Doesn't come with the bonus tracks, though.)

Thank you, Bunk. You're like the Wikipedia I never had.

Wait, that WAS the guy who plays Astronaut Mike Dexter, right? I could look it up, but I'm lazy.

Man, I don't care what anybody says - that's still funny.

Weezer had some great ones. "Only In Dreams" would be at the top of my list.